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Listados Relacionados con: Dark Folk

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Sección: CDs
Num Titulo
Num Titulo
104 Occulte - "Rock N' Roll"
103 7pm Ritual - ":08:16:02:"
102 Kentin Jivek and The Hare And The Moon - "The Haunted Cabaret"
101 Fahl - "The Halls Of The Dead"
100 India Czajkowska & Sebastian Madejski - "Tańce Snu"
099 Trepaneringsritualen - "Perfection & Permanence"
098 Tervahäät - "Tervahäät"
097 Tervahäät - "Kalmonsäie"
096 iNsCissorS - "The Architect Of Dead Structures"
095 Edward Packard - "Master of Adventure"
094 Leidungr - "De Nio Kraftsångerna"
093 Neue Deutsche Stubenmusi - "Erstsendung"
092 Hati - "Zero Coma Zero + Recycled Magick Emissions"
091 V.A - "Throne"
090 Verney 1826 - "Ex Libris"
089 The Wyrm - Obscurum per obscurius Ignotum per ignotius
088 Turnavel - "Unbewusste"
087 Valence - "Allogene"
086 :Werra: - "MMI - MMV"
085 Dawn & Dusk Entwined - "A l'aube des jours anciens"
084 Z´Ev & Hati - "Heart of A Wolf"
083 The Wyrm - "Hibernum Ex Inferno et Medii Aevi"
082 The Wyrm - "Sábado Santo The Wyrm Live in Madrid"
081 The Wyrm - "The Wyrm"
080 Death in June - "Kapo!" (reedición 2008)
079 Eldar - "Amaterasu Shiroi"
078 Falkenstein - "Kraftort"
077 Argine - "Umori d´autunno"
076 Kazería & Igniis - "Summoning The Elder Ones"
075 The Wyrm - "Ritus Gratia Trascendere Ultra Specula"
074 Darkwood - "Ins dunkle Land"
073 Ikon - "Love, Hate and Sorrow"
072 Death in June - "All Pigs Must Die" (reedición 2008)
071 Varios Artistas - "Nikolaevka"
070 Svarrogh - "Yer Su"
069 Lady Morphia - "Essence and Infinity"
068 Faun - "The Pagan Folk Festival Live 2007"
067 Death in June - "Black Angel - Live!"
066 Varios Artistas - "Steinklang Industries IV"
065 Death in June - "Rule of Thirds"
064 The Joy of Nature - "The Empty Circle Part 1"
063 Saline Grace - "Border Town Shades"
062 Varios Artistas - "...where tattered clouds are stranding"
061 Les Joyaux de la Princesse - "Aux Volontaires Croix de Sang"
060 Rome - "Masse Mensch Material"
059 The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud - "Live at WGT 1997"
058 The Green Man - "The Teacher and the Man of Lie"
057 Sturmast - "Ibis Redibis Nunquam In Bello Peribis"
056 Les Jumeaux Discordants - "LJD"
055 Narsilion - "Namarie"
054 Death in June - "The World That Summer"
053 Majdanek Waltz - "Детство Гамлета"
052 Ritual Front - "Солнце мёртвых"
051 Von Thronstahl - "Sacrificare"
050 All my faith lost - "The Hours"
049 Ô Paradis - "Cuando el tiempo sopla"
048 Allerseelen - "Hallstaat"
047 Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - "Les Fleurs du Mal"
046 Rome - "Confessions d´un Voleur d´Ames"
045 Rome - "Nera"
044 Werkraum - ":Kristalle:"
043 Thelema - "Eldur Og Is"
042 Changes & Allerseelen - "Men among the Ruins"
041 Puissance - "Grace of God"
040 Tribe of Circle - "Children of the Weakened God"
039 Rose Rovine e Amanti - "Rituale Romanum"
038 Dernière Volonté - "Devant Le Mirroir"
037 Bleiburg - "Pieces of a Broken Dream"
036 Sol Invictus - "Sol Veritas Lux"
035 Concrescence - "Obscured By The Dark Years"
034 Varios Artistas - "Forseti Lebt!"
033 Cawatana y Storm of Capricorn - "Through Silver Shadows"
032 Orplid - “Sterbender Satyrâ€
031 Martyn Bates - "Mystery Seas (letters written #2)"
030 Death in June - "Free Tibet"
029 Camerata Mediolanense - "Pankration"
028 Darkwood y Chaos as a Shelter - "Lapis"
027 Alex Fergusson - “The Castleâ€
026 Graumahd - "Cheru"
025 Death in June - “Burialâ€
024 Varios Artistas - “Swarmâ€
023 Verdandi - “North Countryâ€
022 Persephone - "Atma Gyan"
021 Duo Noir - “Marseillesâ€
020 Of the Wand and the Moon - “Sonnenheimâ€
019 Death in June - “The Phoenix Has Risenâ€
018 Darkwood - “Weltenwendeâ€
017 Ostara - "Immaculate Destruction"
016 Gaë Bolg - “Aucassin et Nicoletteâ€
015 Unto Ashes - "Grave Blessings"
014 Varios Artistas - "Looking For Europe"
013 Harvest Rain - "Night Chorus"
012 Romowe Rikoito - “Austradeiwaâ€
011 H.E.R.R. - "The Winter Of Constantinople"
010 Death in June - “Abandon tracks!â€
009 Current 93 - "Judas As Black Moth"
008 Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio & Spiritual Front - "Satyriasis, Somewhere between Equilibrium and Nihilism"
007 Kriegsfall-U - "Kriegsfall-U"
006 Kutna Hora - "Will Or Nothing"
Sección: DVDs
Num Titulo
Num Titulo
005 Macrocephalous Compost - "I,II,III"
004 Silent Love of Death - "Donde habite el olvido"
003 Death in June - "Live in New York"
002 Death in June - “The Guilty Have No Prideâ€
001 Varios Artistas - "Filmwerk Flammenzauber"

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